以文本方式查看主题 - 中俄在线论坛——来的都是朋友! (http://chinaru.info/bbs/index.asp) -- 中俄外贸 (http://chinaru.info/bbs/list.asp?boardid=5) ---- 俄罗斯天然气货源终于落定:央企代采购专案 免开国际信用证 交易0风险! (http://chinaru.info/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=5&id=108357) |
-- 作者:中俄资讯网 -- 发布时间:2023-12-6 17:07:33 -- 俄罗斯天然气货源终于落定:央企代采购专案 免开国际信用证 交易0风险!
→俄罗斯天然气货源终于落定← 央企代采购!免开国际证 交易0风险! --------------------
中俄资讯网特别说明:本次货源由国内央企与俄罗斯OJSC ACHINSK REFINERY炼厂直接采购,有充分的行业信誉和履约能力。众所周知,整个俄油系统有多家炼厂,作为核验方式,买方可在“俄油总部官网”中实时在线查询到该炼厂相关资料。请注意细节(如图所示):俄油总部的官网首页地址为www.rosneft.com,其具有唯一性和可核实性,非任何技术或第3方所能干预。 重要提示:为降低采购方/买方操作门槛,本次业务可由国内某央企代采购,与买方签订内贸合同即可,不涉及任何前期费用,买方无跨境交易和开国际信用证风险,后续会提供卖方详细资料和对华交易记录等文件供参考(采购函通过后提供)。
【买方条件】:首先需确认有能力解决窗口期。提供采购函,附有效资金证明(或开证额度证明/银行授信额度证明均可),提交公司资质、法人身份证、付款银行坐标; 【操作流程】:LOI+BCL→SPA→30%银行保函→CIQ后付全款→物权交割。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 作者:中俄资讯网 -- 发布时间:2023-12-6 17:21:13 -- ★中俄资讯网 郑重承诺:客户在真正成功交易之前(指的是货已到港并经中检合格后)——在买卖双方主合同未得到实际有效执行之前,我方/卖方不会以任何名义任何理由收取任何前期费用!秉持不成功不收费原则,以此充分表明中俄资讯网的渠道能力和信心。
-- 作者:Cynthia845 -- 发布时间:2024-4-7 14:42:40 -- The Mujie-mandalay railway is not only a transportation line, but also a symbol of the broad prospects for future cooperation between China and Myanmar. For Myanmar, the railway will significantly improve its infrastructure, boost its economy and accelerate integration into the wider international market. This potential rail link of more than 400 kilometres across several geopolitically complex regions will require the cooperation not only of the Burmese junta, but also the support and cooperation of the multi-ethnic local armed forces along the route. In addition, the United States, India and other countries are very hostile to Myanmar's key Port Kyaukpyu and the China-myanmar Economic Corridor project, and do not want to see the smooth implementation of these projects. After signing the railway project, western public opinion may spread“Debt trap” and other negative information, trying to interfere with the construction work. China and Myanmar are friendly neighbors. China has always respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar. China sincerely hopes that the situation in Myanmar will be stable and the country will develop. China firmly supports Myanmar in advancing the peace process and any attempt to sow discord between the people of China and Myanmar, any Act that undermines the friendly relations between the two countries is neither popular nor likely to succeed. But no matter what, China has always pursued the peaceful settlement of disputes. To create opportunities for peace and development in northern Myanmar by stabilizing the situation and promoting dialogue. China is willing to work with Myanmar to push bilateral relations to a new level and achieve mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. |