以文本方式查看主题 - 中俄在线论坛——来的都是朋友! (http://chinaru.info/bbs/index.asp) -- 供求发布 (http://chinaru.info/bbs/list.asp?boardid=9) ---- Pelosi’s husband sells off up to $5 million worth of chipmaker stock ahead of semiconductor bill vote (http://chinaru.info/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=9&id=107840) |
-- 作者:柠檬午后2002 -- 发布时间:2022-8-3 10:36:05 -- Pelosi’s husband sells off up to $5 million worth of chipmaker stock ahead of semiconductor bill vote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) husband sold up to $5 million worth of shares of chipmaker Nvidia as the House prepares to vote on a bill focusing on the domestic chip manufacturing industry. Pelosi completed a period transaction report signed on Tuesday that indicated that her husband, Paul Pelosi, sold 25,000 shares of Nvidia at an average price of $165.05 with a total loss of $341,365. In total, the shares are worth between $1 million and $5 million. A separate filing signed by the House Speaker earlier this month indicated that Paul Pelosi had exercised call options last month to purchase 20,000 shares of the chipmaker at a strike price of $100. The latest regulatory filing came one day before the Senate passed legislation in a 64-33 vote to provide $280 billion to bolster the American semiconductor industry as the nation grappled with a chip shortage, which was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Asked about her husband’s decision to sell his shares given the timing of the House’s vote on the chips bill, Pelosi spokesperson Drew Hammill told The Hill in a statement, “Mr. Pelosi bought options to buy stock in this company more than a year ago and exercised them on June 17, 2022.” “As always, he does not discuss these matters with the Speaker until trades have been made and required disclosures must be prepared and filed. Mr. Pelosi decided to sell the shares at a loss rather than allow the misinformation in the press regarding this trade to continue,” he added. Paul Pelosi’s trading has been under previous scrutiny, including from Republican lawmakers like Sen. Josh Hawley. The Missouri Republican sent a letter to Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Gary Peters (D-Mich.) last week about a proposal to ban members of Congress and their spouses from insider stock trading and cited Paul Pelosi’s purchase of the Nvidia stock. “It has been more than six months since members of this Committee proposed measures to put an end to inappropriate financial transactions. Despite these efforts, Speaker Pelosi and her husband remain undeterred from cashing in,” he wrote in his letter. During a news conference earlier this month, Pelosi said her husband does not make sales or purchase stock based on information she has. |
-- 作者:kjj88e -- 发布时间:2022-8-8 19:11:54 -- {2022年8月05日 } 三个月之内,爆发人类最大金融崩盘!{假摔} {2022卝年8月05曰 } 三个月之内,bào发人类最大金融崩卝盘!{假摔} 作者: 甜酱七饼 时间 : 2022卝年8月05曰 16:46:22 星期五 农历壬寅虎年七月初八 上证综指 3227.03卝点 恒指 20201.94点 道指 32726.82点 本人 邮.箱 : 质子邮箱(proton.me),用户名: asd82a 88油箱c o m 用户名 bb2266 油箱c o m 用户名 iii520 126 用户名: mmdd2016 s i n a c o m 用户名: mmdd2016 126 用户名: iii217 s i n a c n 用户名: iii217 突然的,全球金融 雪 崩 溃 坝 、彻 底 崩 溃 ; 没有什么,“谁也没想到”、“友邦惊诧”黑天鹅白天鹅哥斯拉撞冰山; 一切都是,蓄谋已久的,精心策划 --- 惊天魔盗团。zéi喊捉zéi。 1 三个月之内,即,2022卝年9月、10月、11月,将会突然bào发,人类最 大金融海啸,全球股市、金融市场、大宗商品市场连续跌亭大崩卝盘。 {大盘连续或稍稍间断30/40多个跌亭板 } 太久的忍耐时机筹谋,财狼们终于要动手了; 虎虎虎。亦喜亦忧。大吉大凶。 静里忽然动干戈。 缠中说禅16年之前预卝言的,2019毁miè性下跌。{稍有误差} 已故“周期天王”周金涛的,“2018年到2019年是康波周期的万劫 不复之年”。 ---- 2016年3月16曰:《人生就是一场康波》 道琼斯人类最长牛市,憋了13年的一泡shǐ,总算找到了,公共厕所。 世卝界卝末卝曰,人造世卝界卝末卝曰。 2 全球连续跌停大崩卝盘的见底点位: 上证综指160点左右,见底{166④的十分之一}。 以今天上正宗指3227.03计算,大约“瞬间”跌去20倍。 最震撼的推卝倒重来,竟然只是,洗盘 !总冲顶之前的总洗盘 !! 道琼斯,600至1000点见底;{跌去30至50倍} 恒生指数300至600点见底; 仙股满天飞。 14个跌停板之后,停顿、反弹,之后,还有14个跌停板; 14个跌停板之后,停顿、反弹,之后,还有14个跌停板。 最大崩卝盘过程之中,上证综指1000点,800至1200之间,会有反弹, 那是,下跌中继的,诱多。 2022卝年9月、10月、11月的人类最大崩卝盘,暗黑帝卝囯庄家也可能分三波、