我开发客户一般使用开发信和电话相结合,至于说B2B网站像alibaba.com我一直都不看好。 下面就对我这个俄罗斯客户往来邮件贴出来大家看看,欢迎大家批评指正。
Уважаемые господа,
Рад слышать, что вы делаете бизнес на рынке LED ламп. Мы специализируемся в этой области в течение нескольких лет, особенно на Bulbs, Down Light, Spot Light, Tubes, Ceiling Light and Board Light, у нас хорошие качества и очень конкурентоспособна цена. Если у Вас какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться ко мне. Образцы будут отправлены для оценки! OEM приветствуется тоже.
С уважением,
Энтони Цзян
客人2011年7月7日回复,他以为我会俄语呢 其实我是google翻译出来的...
Добрый день,
Мы заинтересовались Вашей продукцией. Пришлите пожалуйста каталог и прайс. Спасибо.
С Уважением,
Dear Vladimir,
( моя Россия не очень хорошо, надеюсь, что вы можете прочитать на английском языке )
Thanks for your reply. Our 2011 new season catalog is under construction now, will send to you as soon as we got it. You may also visit our company website: www.****.com for more information.
Should any products be of your interests,please let me know the Items NO.. The according price and details list will be sent to you immediately.
Thanks for your attention again. We look forwad to hearing from you soon.
Dear Anthony,
I’ve visited your company website. Actually I’d like to get all product’s price (depending on quantity and etc.). Could you also send conditions of shipping and warranties?
Thank you.
Best Regards
经验总结二:客人需要我全部的价格,这个时候千万不能把价格全部报给他,为什么呢? 因为第一:我们的产品还在更新,价格表确实没有确定下来; 第二:也可以为以后多次沟通埋下伏笔,多吃沟通的好处是让客户记住你
Dear Mr.Vladimir,
Thanks for your attention. Our 2011 new season catalog and new products line is under construction now.So that is better to send the price list and detailes to you after we finished the catalog and undated products line. Hopefully will be finished next week. Please inform is that OK ?
Re: Conditions -
-Payment :
T/T ( bank tansfer ) 30% deposit, the balnce before shipping or before shipping document released.
L/C at sight
Western Union
the others
-Shipping :
by Express ( EMS - CHINA POST ect.) or by air or buy sea
-Quality guarantee period :
1 to 3 years, the cost will be different.
Dear, Mr. Jiang,
Thanks for fast response. I think, if “Exel” price is available, at first time it would be quite acceptable, because before we start cooperate it’s more important to understand the level of price, which have to be competitive on our market. But If XLS-price is not available it’s ok. We will wait for new catalog. Thanks.
Best Regards
客人说的大概意思是,不需要很精美的目录和价格,只有给他一个Excel 表包含价格就可以。Excel ???呵呵
经验总结三:对于报价单来说,最好是用PDF 或者 JPG 格式。为什么呢? 第一:PDF或者JPG格式,比较安全,被服务器默认为垃圾邮件或者包含病毒的邮件的机会非常小。第二:PDF和JPG格式的价格单不容易被修改和复制、黏贴。 很多买家都喜欢Excel格式的价格单,因为他只要把你的Excel表格里公司名和联系方式去掉,就可以漫天询价了....
Dear Mr.Vladimir,
Good afternoon. Regarding the catalog and price list which I promised will be sent to you this week, may delay for some more days. As our industrial park has some construction and we are power off for a few days already. I am really sorry for breaking my promise. Hope you can understand.
The catalog and price list will send to you as soon as we finished it ( will be around sunday or next Monday ). Please inform your deadline, we do not want to lose the opportunities.
Also, if you could please let me know your purchasing quantity regularly each item. The quantity is an important factor for pricing. Thanks.
Anthony刚刚那几天我们边上工厂建造工程中不小心,把电线弄坏了,导至停电好几天。我们的目录很有可能会延迟几天。价格呢,我当然也没有报出去,特别是要全部价格的客户。更不能轻易给价格,因为给了价格销声匿迹的不在少数.....也许就是那句话,得不到的是最好的 呵呵
Dear Mr. Jiang
It’s ok. I can understand you. Some time nothing can be done and all you can do just wait.
About quantity… It’s hardly possible to talk about quantity without catalog and price.
Best Regards
经验总结四: 对于一些在规定时间内或者已经答应客人要在规定时间内完成的事情自己不能办到时,要提前跟客人说明白是什么愿意导至的延迟。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011-12-29 11:17:53编辑过]