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中俄在线论坛——来的都是朋友!中俄外贸 → 相当有用:这些外贸必备知识 你还未必都知道


主题:相当有用:这些外贸必备知识 你还未必都知道

  1楼 博客 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页

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等级:中俄资讯网贵宾 帖子:238 积分:1753 威望:0 精华:2 注册:2012-3-6 11:50:01
相当有用:这些外贸必备知识 你还未必都知道  发帖心情 Post By:2014-5-17 10:56:19 [显示全部帖子]



2.关于金额,小数点的表示,你怎么表示?例如988.90,很多人就是 us dollars nine hundred and eighty-eight point nine,这样对吗?也不叫错,只能说,不专业,应该是 US DOLLARS NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT AND CENTS NINETY ONLY。这个你知道吗?
















10.33 bill of lading,是三正三副吗?不是,是三正,这是个分数,意思是总共出具三分正本,要提交三分正本。



12.永远不要跟客户有口舌之争,记住,我们不是要纠正客户的错误,你去纠正他的错误,指出他的错误,只会让你们双方越走越远;当然这不代表你要屈从他,最简单的回答是,yes,i think in your side,it is right.But for us……












  2楼 博客 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页

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等级:中俄资讯网贵宾 帖子:238 积分:1753 威望:0 精华:2 注册:2012-3-6 11:50:01
  发帖心情 Post By:2014-5-17 10:57:04 [显示全部帖子]

1.For foreign trade, we see the exchange rate which is the price of purchasing spot exchange because it is the foreign exchange and the bank is buying our foreign exchange with RMB, so it is the price of purchasing spot exchange. Do you know that


2.About the amount, how do you express the decimal For example 988.90, many people said “us dollars nine hundred and eighty-eight point nine”, is it right It is not wrong but not professional, which should be “US DOLLARS NINE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-EIGHT AND CENTS NINETY ONLY.” Do you know that


3.Generally the amount is not allowed to show on the bill of lading, do you know that Many people ask the shipping company to mark the amount on the BL, but the shipping company refuses. They may think that the shipping company is too shrewd but in fact, this is an industry convention. The shipping company do not mark the amount because the BL is the ownership licence. Iff the amount appear on the BL, it means that the shipping company recognizes the value of the goods. Once it causes the loss or destroyed of the goods because of the shipping company, the shipping company is equivalent to admit the shipment value the compensation. Of course, if you do not tell the shipping company and directly and write down and the operator is not careful enough or there are too many documents to handle, you may pass the checking.


4. What is the role of the PI I have said on various occasions that PI does not necessarily represent the transaction. When the customer needs you to confirm the quotation information, he will require you to send a PI with the price, payment method, delivery date, etc., to compare the offers.


5.Do not think that you can easily get the goods back with the BL after the goods is shipped out. Many people accept the payment terms that finish the balance after receive the BL copy. But the customer doesn’t finish the payment, so the salesman tells the customer if not finish the the payment, the goods will be dragged back. Do you think the customer will be afraid of it No. Most countries harbor have the provisions that after the goods reaching the port, if you want it back, you must have the original consignee’s “certificate of non-objection return”, otherwise it is not allowed to return the goods. After the goods reach the port for a certain time, the customs will auction the goods for the charges of the port and the original purchaser has the priority right.


6.The first person in the LC is always the issuing bank. Do you know that


7 Trading Company calculates the drawback in accordance with the invoice instead of FOB price, do you know that That means the invoice value that your supplier provides you when you purchase the goods is the basis of your tax refund.


8.USD79.230 ,00 - This number appears in the LC, what do you think it represent Is it wrong No. This figure is 79,230.00 - in the LC, if there is a decimal point, it must be represented by a comma.


9. The LC, the first payer is always the issuing bank. If you can make the perfect document, no matter how the issuer is, the issuing bank has to pay. And this is the reason why the LC is safe. Many people says that it is difficult to make the perfect documents.But it is entirely possible, because I've seen many documents that no matter how you check, you can not find a substantial discrepancies as the charge back reason.


10.3  3 bill of lading, is it three Originals and three copies No, it is three Originals. It is a fraction, which means it needs total three originals and submit  three originals.


11.The insurance of the CIF includes the CIF price plus 110% then multiply by the premium rate, and do you know why Because the 10% is the profits of customers.


12.Never argue with the customer. Remember that we are not trying to correct the mistakes of customer’s. If you correct his mistakes and point out his mistakes, it will only alienate your relationship. But this not means to succumb to him. The easiest answer is, yes, i think in your side, it is right.But for us ......


13.80% of the customers are got through many times keep tracking, so do not look for the mailbox all day, and make good use of your old customers resources.


14.People always said the simpler the development letter, the better. But in fact it is not. For some big companies, your development letter can not be too simple and certainly not long-winded. You should introduce your company appropriately to make the cooperation more easily.


15.You can not make the customer feel that you are to earn his money, but this does not mean you have to tell customer that the business does not make money. The customer is not a fool. You need to make him feel that you are to look for an opportunity to make money together. If you can do business like this, you will receive good achievement.


16.Do not tell the customer that this is your company policy decision, which will drive away your customers.


17. In the international trade, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau are not belong to China’s territory, because the international trade is an economic entity and  Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau are independent economy. It is not to split China. It is only the meaning of economy and politics is different.





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